Personalized Medicine: Individual in the focus with ML/AI

Clinical decision support system helps the Doctors make informed decisions about each patient accurately, as well as identify the population level trends in discovering the hidden patterns.

Personalized medicine is an area of advancement in healthcare that allows each patient to be examined and assessed individually based on their own personal case history. Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms extract the critical care information from the patients’ case history and use it to formulate the personalized care process that is individually tuned for each patient separately.

What is the problem with the current Electronic Health Record (EHR) implementations in the industry?

  • EHR implemented as a form filling / data entry application
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE) is a major challenge
  • No decision support. Not even validation !!

Practitioners don’t look at their patient anymore…they look at the computer. The time spent entering data on the computer exceeds the time spent listening to, examining, and providing education to the patient about their condition….

… Who see’s these records? Every medical record in and out of the system is different….

  • 86% of mistakes made in healthcare are administrative:
    • Preventable medical errors are the No. 3 killer in US – third only to Heart disease and Cancer [1]
    • 80% of all serious medical errors involve miscommunication during care transitions [3]
Hunting Season: Vision from Bird’s Eye View
Preventable Medical Errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, after Heart Disease and Cancer

A transparent auditable system based on Blockchain eliminates the mistakes in the administrative care processes, facilitating an accurate diagnostics and speedy processing for all of the users.

Cenacle Blockchain based EHROther EHR Implementations
Distributed shared ledger dataFragmented data
Real-time updates across networksTimely access is a challenge
Patient owns the data and patient controls who should it be shared withData is owned by those who collect it, and patient has no control
Security is not an option – it is built-inPatient’s data security is questionable
Data integrity is at the core of the  system designAdministrative mistakes are commonplace
Automated workflowsManual workflows are burdening the physicians
Makes Clinical Decision Support Systems’ implementation possibleN/A
Standards based: TEFCA, NIST 800-63, FHIR, LIONCStandards are questionable
Cenacle Blockchain based EHR brings patient-centric value-based care to its users

Live Demo

For a real-time patient monitoring live demo, checkout our health-tracker page: Blockchain enabled EHR system – Cenacle


  1. James, John A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care, Journal of Patient Safety: September 2013 – Volume 9 – Issue 3 – p 122–128, doi: 10.1097/PTS.0b013e3182948a69
  2. A Healthy System, The Technology CEO Council Report,
  3. Targeted Solutions Tool for Hand-Off Communications, Joint Commission Perspectives®, August 2012, Volume 32, Issue 8,
  4. Cyberthreat Defense Report, NetIQ, 2015,
  5. Gopalakrishna Palem, The Practice of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare, Apr 2013.
  6. EHR faulty software: eClinicalWorks sued for $1 Billion for inaccurate medical records
  7. Cenacle Personal Health Record Demo: