Article | Topics |
AltMetrics: BigData in Publishing IndustryThis article, by GK Palem, discusses in-depth about How Big-Data is shaping the Publishing Industry Landscape. In the traditional model, authors publish the content for free, and the readers pay to get access to it. The underlying idea there is: Good quality content is worth paying for. A side-effect: vast majority of the published knowledge was lying behind pay-walls; But there is a challenge for the reader in this model: How do you know what is worth paying for? |
AltMetrics, Analytics, BigData, Journals, Media, Publishing, Scholemy |
BitCoin, Public Key infrastructure (PKI) & BlockchainThe problem of consensus does not occur in PKI, because a single parent can have multiple child blocks, unlike the BitCoin style of blockchain where only one block can ever succeed the current block. |
BitCoin, Blockchain, CryptoCurrency, Cryptography, Distributed Ledger, PKI |
Smart Buildings with IOT + Artificial Intelligence (AI)There are two descriptive cases that are luring the real estate market in the industry:
This note, by GK Palem, looks into the scenarios that the Building Information Management system addresses by gathering the data from IIOT sensors. |
Blockchain, Building Information Management (BIM), IIOT, Escrow systems, IOT sensors, smart contracts |
Alarm bells, IOT, Grammars, AI and DSLMany hate the idea of multiple new syntaxes. For that matter, any one Turing-complete language is capable of solving all computable problems with just one syntax (by definition). Say, simple, plain-old C is enough. This article, by GK Palem, presents why it is equally important to be able to create new syntaxes and languages despite the above. |
C/C++, DSL, IIOT, Grammar, Javascript, Language, Music, Syntax, Turing Machine |
Making the League of Entropy work for Distributed LedgersLeague of Entropy aims to provide decentralized random number generation to use in Election Auditing, Lotteries, and Distributed Ledger Platforms etc. Sounds great. Except, one small problem... |
Blockchain, Election Auditing, Lotteries, Random Numbers, and Distributed Ledger Platforms |
Marketing Strategy for StartupsYou have built a great product / service line, and now you need to work out a marketing strategy to get customers. How would you achieve it ? In this article, Management Strategy consultant GK Palem, illustrates effective steps that you need to focus on to reach your goal. |
Business Plan, Customer acquisition, Churn analysis, Customer Retention, Data Analytics, Digital Strategy, Marketing, Sales, Startup, Strategy |
Bridging the REST gap for C++ M2M FrameworksWhat do you need to use C/C++ for building scalable realtime distributed systems? Can we build advanced stream processing systems with C/C++, such as M2M platforms, or Stock Market Trading analytics platform? Get to know in-depth details on some of the drawbacks of existing C/C++ compilers in building the decentralized systems. |
Blockchain, C/C++, Compilers, Decentralized systems, IOT, M2M, Telematics, Language, Real-time Analytics, REST API, Stream processing |
FIDO2 U2F X509 in NodeJSHow to use FIDO2 U2F with x509 in Javascript? |
Blockchain, Decentralized Systems, Distributed Ledger, FIDO, NodeJS, U2F, x509 |
Healing Herbs of AyurvedaAyurveda is a wholistic healthcare system that focuses on human body and mind in the context of one's lifestyle, unlike the western medicinal practices which focus primiarly on curing a disease in isolation (relying mostly on specifically crafted chemical solutions). Ayurveda offers natural solutions based on the healing properties of herbs that are naturally found in the environment, which eliminates the chemical pollution and provides synergy between the nature and one's body and mind. |
Ayurveda, Shatavari, Arjuna, Ashoka, Guduchi, Ashwagandha |
Multiple instances of PostGraphileWhile developing an MVP for Startups, GraphQL on top of Postgres is a very effective way to build quick turn around time solutions. This article presents the way to configure the PM2 for running and monitoring multiple instances of Postgraphile side-by-side to effectively expose multiple Postgres databases as GraphQL services for front-end consumptions via React, Vue, Svelte etc. |
GraphQL, Postgres, MVP for Startups, PM2, Postgraphile, Docker |
Token Economics: the Bridge between Metaverse and Real WorldMetaverse requires digital tokens that are tradable, exchangable, transferrable, and often non-fungible. To be of any practical value, these digital tokens also need to have value tied to them in the real-world. The Tokenomics, thus, is a bridge between the real-world values and the Metaverse concepts. Get to know about Tokenomics in this article. |
Blockchain, Tokens, NFT, Tokenomics, CryptoCurrency, Currencies, Assets |
Startups: What can go wrong? (Part 1)Startup is an exiting journey for the entrepreneurs. Yet 21% of the startups fail within the first year, with around 50% of them failing by the fifth year. This article examines some of the reasons why the startups fail and offers few tips on how you can navigate these startup waters to safety. |
Startup, Product Market Fit, Innovation, Market Timing, Startup Culture, Scaling up a Startup |
Industry 4.0Real-time Analytics combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and immutable Distributed Ledgers (DLT / Blockchain) is paving way for faster digitization of factories. |
Manufacturing, Supply-Chain, Factory, Digitization |
Blockchain and AI in Private Wealth ManagementWhat are the few ways Startups can create new ventures in the Private Wealth Management space taking advantage of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? |
Startup, Wealth Management, Private Equity, NFT, Blockchain, AI |
How to build High-Performance TeamsWhat are the ways Startups and established organizations can create high-performance teams ? |
Delta Model Strategy, Human Resources, Teams, Collaboration, CEO, CxO |
DSL and SLM for Industrial AIDSL is an engineering tool to convert Semantics to Syntax. DSL allows semantic errors to be caught as syntax errors. SLM are domain specific small language models for mimicking human language processing. This article covers the topic of cominging DSL and SLM for an industrial AI. |
DSL, IIOT, AI, SLM, LLM, Industry 4.0 |
Gopalakrishna Palem, also known as GK Palem, is a CTO for Startups, with more than 2 decades of experience in technology architectures, product road maps in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Open Source, CarMusTy, CFugue, C/C++ Music Library, Carnatic Music, Song, Notation, MIDI, Typesetting, PDF, Books, Maya, Visual Effects, DirectX, OpenGL, Simulation, Predictive Analytics, Big Data, M2M Telematics, Predictive Maintenance, Condition-based Maintenance, Research, Cryptography, and Distributed Ledgers.