Understanding the Levels of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

AI for healthcare holds immense value for improving the patient outcomes. One key factor in this is the Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS). But how does one integrate the AI tools into complex healthcare workflows?

The CDSS adoption in healthcare happens through a series of progresses levels incrementally. Each level signifies an increase in the level of automation and decision-making support offered to clinicians. Each level builds upon the previous, enhancing capabilities and ensuring a safe transition from human-driven to AI-assisted and ultimately autonomous clinical support.

For AI enthusiasts, EHR system builders, and healthcare professionals, understanding these levels is crucial for developing, implementing, and leveraging CDSS effectively. Let’s look into what these levels are.

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Webinar: Industry 4.0

Webinar by GK Palem

Title: Industry 4 . 0 – the convergence of emerging technologies

The fourth industrial revolution is set to be a USD 156 billion market by 2024 with a CAGR of 16 . 9% from 2019 to 2024. The convergence of many major technologies from the last few decades, from IIOT to Robotics, statistical data analytics to AI, Big Data to Additive manufacturing, the Industry 4 . 0 is set to emerge as a game-changer for the manufacturing sector in this new decade with use-cases covering from Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance to Smart Factories and Product-As-A-Service disruptive business models. Electronics, Aerospace, Chemicals, Automotive, Supply chain logistics, Packaging, Engineering & Construction all major verticals are undergoing a major digital transformation with horizontal and vertical integration of technology in their business process.

This webinar presents the key technologies, business opportunities and open research challenges that are present in this major industry transformation and illustrates a few key solutions with demos.

7:00p Sun, Apr 19 2020
8:00p Sun, Apr 19 2020

LONDON, United Kingdom, England
2:30p Sun, Apr 19 2020
3:30p Sun, Apr 19 2020

EDT/EST, Eastern Daylight Time (US)
9:30a Sun, Apr 19 2020
10:30a Sun, Apr 19 2020

PDT/PST, Pacific Daylight Time (US)
6:30a Sun, Apr 19 2020
7:30a Sun, Apr 19 2020

Register: https://bit.ly/3bc0n3R

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